For donations that are significant to your financial health or taxes, we recommend you consult with a certified professional.
When you as a professional advisor partner with the Airdrie & District Community Foundation, you better serve your clients’ charitable goals and help their giving go further.
Our experience and expertise in charitable giving can offer your clients a more comprehensive service and give you, as their advisor, the opportunity to be part of the impact.
In collaboration with ADCF, professional advisors can:
We pride ourselves on offering philanthropic solutions to your clients and important information to you, the advisor. Our customizable giving solutions consist of a variety of ways to give now and later.
Advisors, if you offer services to donors, you may be able to place a listing for your services below. For more information, use the contact form on this website or send an email message to info@airdriefoundation.ca .
If you are making a donation that’s significant to you, you will benefit from the advice of a professional advisor. That’s especially true if the donation involves your will, estate, or other legal issue.
Such advice can help you clarify your goals, make sure there will be no surprises later, and help family and others understand your intentions.
And, getting the appropriate tax information is essential, since donations to registered charities can get you a tax receipt and reduce your taxes payable.
Below, we have a growing list of advisors who may be of assistance.
Disclaimer: The listings on this page are provided solely for your convenience. Inclusion does not mean the Foundation endorses or has any formal connections with them.
Larry Verniest
Larry Verniest
As a holistic wealth planner, I take a comprehensive approach to managing an individual or family’s wealth. I consider various aspects of a person’s life and goals to develop a customized financial plan. Factors such as income, expenses, taxes, insurance, estate planning, and even personal values and aspirations are taken into account. Adopting this holistic approach aims to create a well-funded strategy that aligns with the client’s overall well-being. This includes not only financial prosperity but also peace of mind, family dynamics, philanthropy, and long-term sustainability.
I graduated from the University of Manitoba with a degree in agricultural economics. My advisory practice began in 2001. My wife, daughter, and I reside in Calgary. In my off-time, I enjoy hockey, golf, the mountains, and travel. Just as offense and defense are crucial in hockey, they are equally important in financial planning. Planning and saving for the future, as well as protecting oneself from unexpected health challenges are both essential building blocks of a solid financial plan.
Renee Desrosiers
Investment advisor
Renee Desrosiers
Renee provides clients access to a comprehensive range of services to help
them build and protect their wealth. She draws on her rich knowledge from over
20 years in the industry, including previous roles as Financial Planner and
Account Representative.
Renee finds great satisfaction in developing comprehensive wealth
management strategies for her clients – helping ensure sound advice and peace
of mind for those seeking solutions for broad and complex wealth management
needs. A lifelong believer in ongoing education, she acquired the advanced
industry designations of Certified Financial Planner (CFP) & Chartered
Investment Manager (CIM). Renee’s goal daily is to help individuals and families
achieve greater financial confidence.
Renee was born and raised on Vancouver Island. She moved to Alberta 11 years
ago with her family to pursue greater opportunities. Her three boys keep her
active in the Airdrie community with hockey and the great outdoors.
Renee Desrosiers, CFP, CIM
Investment Advisor
Tel: 587-897-7787
RBC Dominion Securities
Crowfoot West Business Centre
410-600 Crowfoot Crescent NW
Calgary, AB T3G 0B4
Tel: 403-441-9935 | Fax: 403-299-6512